Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Ever seen an Asian person and just think "wow, he must be super smart?" Ever looked at a Middle Eastern and assume he's a terrorist when really he was actually born in America? Ever looked at a Hispanic and assume he got here illegally when his family have been in America for generations?

Well, this is what I face everyday. As a fellow Asian, I'm always assumed, or more expected, to be smart. Sure, I have straight A's, but that's cause I try hard. I don't think I"m smart. I think I'm average. But even if my peers didn't know my grade, they always ask me to help them and whenever I say "I don't know," they go "Aren't you supposed to be Asian?" Don't you guys hate it? Or, just get so annoyed? What bothers me even more is that even though I consider myself good in English, everybody thinks I'm supposed to suck at it and I'm supposed to have this funny accent. And I seriously hate it when people start imitating Asian languages going "Ching chong ching chong." That's as worse as going a black person the N word. Plus, every time they ask me where I'm from, I say America. But to them, they laugh and say "No, seriously, where?" This really annoys me.

But this doesn't only go for Asians. It goes to all races. I've seen people who assume that a black person who was in an AP class cheated his way through it. People always speak gangsters to black people, which is wrong and just plain stupid. What is wrong with our society? Okay, I believe that nothing in this world is considered perfect, but this is just stupid. When is it gonna end?

Now that you have read this, I hope you realize how horrible stereotyping is. It plays a huge effect in society. They expect us to be something we're not, and it really hurts on kids these days. If a black boy is told that he could never go to college and should be a rapper, he might take it seriously when really, he wants to go to med school. An Asian kid could be told to go to all the top private schools in the world, but really wants to join the NBA. A middle eastern person could want to be a rocket scientist, but ignorant people won't let him because they think he's a terrorist. Do you people see how it affects people? Stereotyping is a bad thing to do! Don't do it anymore! Just because you've faced stereotyping, doesn't mean you should do it back. You'd just sink as low as them.

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